[Gondolas – Venice] by William MonkEgham by Francis Seymour HadenOn Distribuerait au Peuple le Butin d’Éléphanta by Marius A.J. Bauer[Barn Interior with Donkeys & Star] by Lawrence Josset[Portrait of a Lady wearing a white cape] by Walter Greaves[Lady in Black, standing] by Walter GreavesThe North Porch, Harfleur by David Young Cameron  

Index of Artists

Abbé S. van

Abbott J.W.

Ackroyd N.

Addams C.

Allinson A.P.

Anderson S.

Andrews S.

Anker H.

Appian A.

Arms J.T.

Auerbach-Levy W.

Austen W.

Austin F.G.

Austin R.S.

Badeley H.J.F.

Badmin S.R.

Bagdatopoulos W.S.

Baird J.

Banting J.

Barker of Bath T.

Barry J.

Bartlett C.W.

Bartlett R.

Baskett C.H.

Bateman J.

Bauer M.A.J.

Baumer L.

Beaumont L.

Berton A.

Besnard A.

Bewick T.

Binyon L.R.

Blake W.

Blampied E.

Bone M.

Bonnard P.

Boreel W.

Bouverie-Hoyton E.

Bracquemond F.

Brammer L.G.

Brangwyn F.

Briscoe A.

Broad K.

Brockhurst G.L.

Brown D.

Buckels A.

Buckland Wright J.

Burridge F.V.

Cain C.W.

Calvert E.

Cameron D.Y.

Cameron K.

Carter F.

Chadwick T.

Chahine E.

Chaplin C.H.

Chauvel C.

Clarke Hall E.

Clausen G.

Clilverd G.B.

Cogle H.G.

Collins G.E.

Constable J.

Cope C.W.

Copley J.

Corbould R.

Corot J.C.

Cotman J.S.

Cotman M.E.

Craig E.G.

Creswick T.

Crome J.

Currie R.

Cutner H.

Danby F.

Daniell E.T.

Dasio M.

Daubigny C.F.

Degas E.

Delacroix E.

Delamotte W.A.

Delâtre E.

Dent R.S.

Derkzen van Angeren P.A.

Detmold C.M.

Detmold E.J.

Dodd F.

Drury P.D.

Dulac C.M.

Dyson W.

Earthrowl E.G.

East A.

Edwards E.

Erni H.

Exley J.R.

Fairclough W.

Fanshawe C.M.

Fantin-Latour H.

Firth M.

Fisher A.H.

Fitton H.

Fleming I.

Flint W.R.


Forbes R.

Freeth H.A.

Frood H.

Frost W.E.

Frye T.

Fuseli H.

Gabain E.

Gainsborough T.

Galanis D.E.

Gascoyne G.

Gaskell P.

Gaucherel L.

Gauguin P.

Geddes A.

Géricault T.

Gibbings R.

Giles W.

Gill E.

Ginner C.

Girdwood S.

Goff R.C.

Gooden S.F.

Gosse S.

Grandgérard L.H.

Greaves W.

Greenwood J.F.

Griggs F.L.M.

Gwynne-Jones A.

Haden F.S.

Hall A.H.

Hall O.

Hall Thorpe J.

Hardie M.

Hay J.H.

Heaney A.J.

Heath C.

Herkomer H. von

Hermes G.

Heseltine J.P.

Hill F.

Hill V.

Holloway E.

Holroyd C.

Hook J.C.

Huet P.

Hughes E.M.

Hughes M.K.

Hughes-Stanton B.

Hunt W.H.

Jackson S.

Jacoulet P.

Jacque C.É.

James W.J.

Janes N.

John A.E.

Johnson J.

Josset L.

Kauffman A.

Keith E.

Kirkpatrick E.

Klabunde C.S.

Knight L.

Komjáti J.

Kramer J.

Laboureur J.

Lalanne M.

Lambert T.H.

Langmaid R.

Larkins W.

Lear E.

Lee-Hankey W.

Legrand L.

Legros A.

Leighton F.

Leman R.

Liebermann M.

Lindsay L.A.

Livens H.M.

Lockyer I.B.

Long S.

Lord E.A.

Lumsden E.S.

Mackey H.R.

Mackley G.

Macleod W.D.

Macnab I.

Malet G.

Maris M.

Marples G.

Marston F.

Martin J.

Mason F.H.

Mass H.

May G.

McBey J.

Menpes M.L.

Meryon C.

Millais J.E.

Mohlitz P.

Monk W.

Morgan G.

Morgan W.E.C.

Morley H.


Mortimer J.H.

Morton C. & C.

Müller R.

Munnings A.J.

Murray C.

Narbeth W.A.

Nash P.

Needell P.G.

Nevinson C.R.W.

Newton E.E.

Nicholson W.

Nicolson J.

Ninham H.

Northcote J.

Osborne M.

O’Neill G.B.

Palmer S.

Parker W.N.

Pattison E.L.

Paynter H.

Pennell J.

Pettie J.

Petts J.

Platt J.E.

Pott C.M.

Power C.

Poynter E.J.

Pryse G.S.

Raverat G.

Ray-Jones R.

Read D.C.

Redgrave R.

Redon O.

Reeve H.

Richards F.

Rieser D.

Robinson J.C.

Rops F.

Rothenstein W.

Rotky C.

Roussel T.C.

Royds M.A.

Ruckdeschel C.

Runciman A.

Rupert of the Rhine

Rushbury H.

Sandby P.

Schwabe R.

Seaby A.W.

Shannon C.H.

Shepperson C.A.

Short F.

Sickert W.R.

Simpson J.

Sloane M.A.

Slocombe E.

Slocombe F.A.

Smith J.T.

Smith P.

Somm H.

Soper E.A.

Soper G.

Souter J.B.

Sparks N.

Sproule S.

Squirrell L.R.

Stannard J.

Steel K.

Stevens J.

Stothard T.

Strang W.

Stubbs G.

Sydney B.

Tanner R.

Tayler J.F.

Taylor C.W.

Taylor E.W.

Thoma H.

Tod M.M.

Tremel M.

Tunnicliffe C.F.

Turner J.M.W.

Tyson D.P.

Underwood L.

Unwin F.S.

Urushibara Y.

Verpilleux E.A.

Villon J.

Waddington V.

Walcot W.

Waldron A.

Warlow H.G.

Washington W.

Webb C.

Webb J.

Wedgwood G.H.

Whistler J.A.M.

Wilson W.

Woollard D.E.G.

Woolliscroft-Rhead G.

Worlidge T.

Wright of Derby J.

Wyllie W.L.



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