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Emile Antoine Verpilleux

  1888 – 1964
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Malines   1922

Original woodcut, printed in colours.

Signed proof impression with the sky printed in tones of yellow and green.


St. Paul’s Cathedral - Twilight sold

St. Paul’s Cathedral - Twilight   1924

Original woodcut, printed in colours.

Excellent signed proof impression from the only edition with good, unfaded colours.


The Last Furrow sold

The Last Furrow   1924

Original woodcut, printed in colours and highlighted by hand.

Superb signed proof impression with brilliant, exceptionally fresh colour. Printed in orange, blue, green and black inks from multiple blocks, and with the final pale highlights of blue in the sky added by hand. A particularly fine, strong example from the only edition.



Emile A. Verpilleux was the first artist to have a colour print hung at the Royal Academy in London, and he is now widely considered to have been one of the finest colour woodcut printmakers working in Britain in the first half of the 20th century. Born Notting Hill, London, of a French father (also called Emile Antoine Verpilleux), and a Scottish mother (Edith Verpilleux, née Beard), E.A.Verpilleux junior was educated in France and at the Académie des Beaux Arts in Antwerp. He began printmaking as a wood engraver, but soon became interested in making colour woodcuts. Emile Verpilleux developed his own highly original techniques for producing a subtle gradation of colour across the various blocks used in printing his comparatively large-scale works. In particular, he adopted the style through which the principal subject of his image was shown effectively in silhouette, backlit by striking colours which would diffuse gradually across the background of the image. [more]