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Concorde & Cavendish Morton

  1911 – 1979 & b.1911
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Spring Rhapsody sold

Spring Rhapsody   c.1934

Original woodcut printed in colours.

Very good impression with fresh colour, signed by both of the Morton twins.



Concorde and Cavendish Morton were twins who, like the Detmold Brothers, worked together in the creation of their prints. Their father had educated them at home and had taught them both Japanese and the fundamentals of colour woodcutting. They were given some guidance by both Urushibara and A.W. Seaby, but learned mostly by experiment. Their accomplished large colour woodcuts were published by the prominent London dealers Colnaghi, but the Morton twins were prevented from joining the Colour Printer Club because of the rule only admitting the work of a single artist. [more]