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John Buckland Wright

1897 – 1954

Rosette and Isnabel by John Buckland Wright

Rosette and Isnabel   1937

  Original line engraving.
Signed with initials in the plate.
Ref:Reid A.26
S 251 x 193 mm; P & I 172 x 126 mm
Original John Buckland Wright line engraving.

Beautiful, crisp impression from the edition of 500 impressions, as published in Mademoiselle de Maupin by T. Gautier (Golden Cockerel Press, 1938).

A perfectionist, fascinted by technique, John Buckland Wright was responsible for some of the finest book illustrations of this century. This typically fine engraving displays the extraordinary fluidity of line which Buckland Wright developed with a style entirely of his own.

Having become separated from the rest of their hunt, Rosette and her page, Isnabel, had set off at a gallop down a narrow byway to the lake seen at the right of this engraving. However, Isnabel had failed to avoid the branch of an overhanging tree and had been unseated from her horse, falling, unconscious, to the ground. The artist has depicted Rosette attempting to resuscitate her page, and having undone Isnabel's shirt, discovering to her surprise that her page is in fact a girl.

On cream laid van Gelder paper, with margins. Excellent condition.